StepUp is delighted to congratulate our advisory board member, Professor Warren Harding, on his inclusion in the 2023 King’s Birthday Honours List. Professor Harding was awarded a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) in recognition of his significant service to business, to community health, and to the information technology industry – in particular health aged care. Among his many appointments, Professor Harding is an inaugural board member of the Scitech Discovery Centre, Chair of the Industry Advisory Board of the Curtin School of Information Systems and co-founder of the Institute for the Future of Work. He holds a Professorship with Macquarie University in Dementia Care, is a member of the National Dementia Expert Reference Group, and chairs Alzheimer’s Western Australia. Professor Harding is currently working with colleagues to develop a Dementia Hub, that will combine comprehensive early detection, journey navigation and care. The award is testament to Professor Harding’s pioneering work. StepUp extends congratulates to all the aged care representatives who received Australia Day honours.